September 13, 2010

The Hunger Games

"May the odds ever be in your favor." (The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins)

I have always held a special place in my heart for the young adult novel. The imaginative landscapes held within are often hard to find in the adult world of fiction. Authors such as Haruki Murakami and specifically his novel "Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" are surprisingly and disappointingly sparse despite their wondrously unique world of creation.

That is why I am especially thankful when a book such as "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins slides its way neatly into my bookshelf. I am even more thankful when I find out after two nail-biting days of consumption that this book is actually the first of three.

"The Hunger Games" is a novel set in the far future when natural disasters have reclaimed much of the land forcing those not taken by starvation and disease to rely on and submit to a harsh and controlling Capitol. This Capitol in the land of Panem, formerly North America, rules twelve remaining districts. In an effort to impose fear and ultimately submission on the people the Capitol organizes an annual event wherein one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 from each district meet in an arena in a fight to the death broadcast in a horrific sporting tirade on live television. Only one victor remains each year as parents are forced to not only watch but cheer as their loved ones hunt and are hunted by the other "tributes". Katniss, the protagonist of this novel, appalled by what the games hold, volunteers in an unprecedented show of love and affection to take her little sisters place when her name is called. From this point on, the games begin.

In a "Lord of the Flies" meets "Gladiator" sort of way this novel depicts a landscape where those wishing to fight are kept silent and weak through starvation and constant fear. A little girl becomes what could be a glimmer of hope in a world where humanity is cast aside for brutality and furthermore depicted as sparkly entertainment.

I absolutely loved this book. Now if you will excuse me I'm off to start the second in the series.....

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